Soal Soshum (IPS) UM UNDIP Tahun 2016 + Jawaban Secara Rinci - Selamat sore pejuang UM UNDIP semuanya, Semangat kalian semua yang pantang menyerah dalam mengejar impian dan cita-cita untuk masuk ke kampus idaman kalian Universitas Diponegoro, suatu saat kerja keras kalian ini akan membuahkan hasil pastinya. Pada kesempatan ini untuk memperlancar semuanya, Latihan Soal UM Undip 2011 Kemampuan IPA Mata Ujian: Kimia Jumlah Soal: 10 1. Banyaknya orbital yang ditempati oleh pasangan elektron dalam atom Mn dengan nomor atom 25 adalah (A) 4 (C) 10 (E) 15 (B) 7 (D) 13 2. Bila 0,48 gram zat yang mengandung karbon. Sehingga total soal yang anda dapatkan dalam sekali unduh sebanyak 2200 soal untuk menghadapi um undip 2016. Jan 20, 2014 - English For Life Pre Intermediate Teacher's Book.pdf smp ndut ngentot 3gp. Kingbill 2012 crack lana del rey Born to. Soal Prediksi UM UGM 2011 USM ITB 2011 SIMAK UI 2011 UM Undip 2011 (Kunci dan Pembahasan). Soal Um Undip 2012 Pdf Rating: 4,2/5 7154 reviews Soal dan pembahasan um undip 2013 pdf - Below are contents and/or sponsored listings for goods and services related to: Simulasi Latihan Soal UKG Online.

Um Undip 2020

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Um Undip
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Latihan Soal UM Undip 2011 Kemampuan IPA
Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : 25
Ronan keating when you say nothing at all audio download. The majority of animals are modified in some way to suit their way of life. Flying birds have
light hollow bones to assist them in flight. Bulky birds would not be able to leave the ground. The Kiwis long beak enables it to penetrate through the dead leaves on the forest floor for food. The physical shape and coloring of many animals is the result of a gradual adaptation to particular circumstances. There is a widespread use of color. The motives for this may be either to attract a mate or to frighten away an enemy, or to conceal the animals presence. The male animal is often more brightly colored than the female and this helps it to attract the female. Most female animals are interested in bright displays of color. Choose the right answer! 1. The best title of the text is ________________.
(A) The flying birds (B) How to attract a mate (C) Form in animal life (D) The male and female animals (E) The physical shape of animals
2. The motives of this may be either to attract .. (the seventh sentence)
this in this sentence refers to ____________. (A) color (B) adaptation (C) birds (D) physical shape (E) circumstances
3. The Kiwis long beak enables it to penetrate through the dead leaves.
The underlined word means _____________. (A) walk through (B) become aware of (C) pass slowly (D) make away through (E) make a hole
4. The males bright color is used ___________.
(A) to attract the enemy (B) to arouse interest of the female (C) not to make the enemy afraid of (D) not to attract the mate
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(E) not to hide the animal
Text II Participating in a debate is useful practice for those ______ aim to become public speakers. In a formal debate a ______ _ called a motion is proposed. It _ ______ by the proposers and challenged by their opponents. ____ leading debater it is necessary to acquire several techniques and skills. An experienced debater seeks to persuade others by _ ______ relevant arguments, not by the violence of his language.
___6 _5
____ a7 _8
5. (A) whose (D) where
(B) who (E) of which (C39 ) whom
6. (A) state (D) stated
(B) stating (E) statement (C) to state
7. (A) defended (D) defends Grand piano nicki minaj.
(B) is defending (E) will defend (C) is defended
8. (A) To become (D) Becomes
(B) Becoming (E) To becoming (C) Became
9. (A) presented (D) presenting
(B) to present (E) presence (C) present
10. Were he a mechanic, I would have him repair my car.
This sentence means _________________. (A) I ask someone repair my car (B) I have someone repair my car (C) I get someone repair my car (D) I get my car to repair (E) I have him to repair my car
11. The man who lives next door __________ for Malaysia since his house was renovated.
(A) is leaving (D) is left (B) was leaving (E) has left (C) will be left
12. Did you remember ________________?
(A) when did you come here
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Copyright 2011 All right reserved
(B) why have you gone there (C) where you post the letter (D) when you sold your car (E) where did you buy the car
13. She reported that he stole her money.
We can also say ____________________. (A) It was reported that her money was stolen by him (B) It is reported that her money was stolen by him (C) It was reported that her money had been stolen (D) He was reported that her money is stolen (E) He is reported to stole her money It was reported that her money was stolen by him
14. The doctor, accompanied by the nurse ______________ the patient for an hour since 8 oclock.
Zebra technologies oracle. (A) has been operated (B) had been operating (C) has been operating (D) had operated (E) had been operated
15. I saw the unexpected guest leaving the party.
The underlined words mean _____________. (A) The guest who is unexpected (B) The guest who was unexpected (C) The guest who unexpected (D) The guest who is unexpecting (E) The guest who was unexpecting
Text II