- Lucas Epic Injection Pump Repair Manual Transmission
- Lucas Cav Injection Pump Manual
- Lucas Epic Injection Pump Repair Manual Pdf

Lucas Epic Injection Pump Repair Manual Transmission
Decided to have the re-seal work done for me,(couldn't face refitting and still leaking). First couple of calls resulted in 'won't touch em mate'. So took it into P B Asher in Southampton, the guy there knew what it was and what leaks on em. Agreed to split and replace seals and o rings and then pressure test for £130 and I would supply the kit. And will turn around when I get the kit to them.
'I bought my seal kit from Electro Diesel in Exeter. They got the kit in next day!'
Kev, I got back to late to call Electro, how much was the kit?
Lucas Cav Injection Pump Manual

Lucas Epic Injection Pump Repair Manual Pdf
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